Volunteer as an Explorer Scout Young Leader
It's so much fun helping young people have fun, you won't realise you're boosting your employment and further education prospectsImagine doing something you enjoy. Now imagine helping other people to do the same thing, and enjoy it too. If you're aged between 14 and 18 years of age, you can become an Explorer Scout Young Leader.
It's just one of the fun parts of being an Explorer Scout. Tailored around you, your homework, and your personal life, you can help out on an agreed schedule in the Beavers, Cubs or Scouts sections. An Explorer Scout Young Leader is someone who gives up the majority of their time in Scouting to service in another section.

Being a Young Leader gave me an edge when it came to applying for places at Sixth Form - my application stood out because of helping Scouts and my volunteering.
You don't have to be an existing Explorer Scout, either. Young people who aren't Scouts can participate as non-members for a set period of time, as long as they're working towards their Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards or Queen’s Guide Award.
If, for example, you're completing your Bronze Duke of Edinburgh's Award, you might want to volunteer as a non-member for the amount of time you're required to for your Bronze DofE award. Of course, you might find that you enjoy it so much that you'll stay once you've completed it but, of course, that's entirely up to you.
All of our leaders are trained volunteers working to make volunteering as an Explorer Scout Young Leader one of the best experiences you'll have. And, if your grown-up wants to help, we don’t just need budding adventurers to lead our expeditions. We also need tidy-uppers and tea-makers and great listeners from all walks of life – for as much or as little time as they can spare.
If volunteering as an Explorer Scout Young Leader sounds like something you'd be interested in, get in touch with us using the contact details at the bottom of the page. We'll need to speak with the grown-up that's responsible for you before you join, but we'll be happy to answer any questions you might have.