As we look back over the past ten years, it’s incredible to see how far our Group has come. Through ups and downs, challenges and triumphs, we’ve remained steadfast in our commitment to providing quality scouting experiences for young people in our community. Having recently submitted our 11th census return to The Scouts, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on our journey of growth, particularly in light of the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the 10 years since we opened our doors, our Scout Group has experienced remarkable growth in membership. From humble beginnings, backed by the incredible Youth United Fund and with help from our friends in the District, we’ve steadily expanded our reach, welcoming more young people into the Billesley Scouts family than ever before. Our programme has evolved, our volunteer team has grown stronger, and our impact on the community has deepened.

However, it’s essential to acknowledge the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic had, not just on our Group, but on Scouts as a whole. Like many other Groups, we faced unprecedented challenges as we navigated lockdowns, restrictions, and the need to adapt our programme to a virtual format.
Yet, even in the face of adversity, our Scout Group got back on its feet, brushed itself off, and remained resilient. With our core membership staying loyal, we effectively hit the reboot button for Beavers and Cubs and welcomed in not only a brand new cohort of young people, but some amazing new adult volunteers who have helped us grow even more.
We have plans to further expand the movement in the coming year, and are actively seeking new volunteers to help us open a Squirrels drey, and – hopefully – this time next year, we’ll be looking at yet another record year for our membership, not just for young people, but for adult volunteers too.
To our dedicated volunteers, supportive families, and enthusiastic young people in all sections, thank you for being a part of our Scout Group’s story. Together, we’ve overcome challenges, embraced opportunities, and forged bonds that will last a lifetime.
Here’s to the next ten years of adventure, learning, and growth!
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